Hi there.

We are David and Diana and we’re so happy to welcome you here, to our corner of the internet!

We’re based in London, UK, and we’ve been a mother-kiddo duo since October 2019.

We like nothing better than to read and play together, and we’d love for you to join us in our daily adventures.

We post about our favourite reads, toys and activities, and about the challenges and wonders of growing up together in general. We are a multilingual, multicultural family and value kindness, honesty and curiosity above all things.

For more details on what this space is all about, read our first blog post.

And for more colourful play invite inspiration, don’t forget to head over to our Instagram page as well, where we share everything from tuff tray inspiration, to reading updates, toys and games in action and book leaf-throughs.

Welcome, stay awhile. Here’s what you’ll find here:


We are passionate readers and would love to share our love of stories with you! We post regularly about our new and exciting bookish finds, we collate much loved book recommendations on a variety of topics, we leaf through our favourite stories for you and we also run regular bookish giveaways.


Raising little humans is hard and every little thing can make a big difference. Here you’ll find lots of useful bits and pieces on toy and book rotations and organisation, easy meal planning and recipes, homeschooling and project based learning, as well as lots of other things we’re picking up along the way.


Play is the biggest part of our life right now, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We love open ended toys which work hard for us and last the test of time, and we are constantly curating our collection. We are also great fans of prepared environments and play with a purpose, and this is apparent in our daily, sometimes messy but always fun packed play invites.


We believe in compassionate parenting, kindness and child-led education. We’re inspired by Montessori, Waldorf and Project Based Learning, but don’t align ourselves to one school of thought in particular.

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Let’s Get Social

We share daily play invites and so much more on our Instagram.
Have a peek at what we’ve been tinkering with recently in the showcase below. And while you’re at it, why not give us a follow too, so that you don’t miss on any of our playful updates in the future!

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